Unlock your hip flexor

Two men, one older and one young, are pushing their shopping buggies around inside Walmart when they collide. 

The older man said to the younger man, "Sorry about that, I'm looking for my wife, and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." 

The younger man said, "That's OK, what a coincidence, I'm looking for my wife also and I can't find her.   I'm getting a little desperate." 

The older man says, "Maybe I can help you find her, what does she look like?" 

Younger man, "She is 27 yrs. old, tall, with red hair, blue eyes, long legs and is wearing that new skirt I bought for her birthday.  What does your wife look like?"

Older man "Doesn't matter, let's look for yours." 

:  )


Things to do

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