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Three sons (humans) have had success in life and they get together each year just before their mother's bitrhday to talk about the gift for mom. Actually, it is more of a brag fest where each brags he got the best gift that year.

Last year, the oldest son announced he had purchased mom a new house.  A large house with lots of room, but all on one floor so there was no stairs for her to need to traverse up and down.

The next son remarked he had purchased mom a sleek royal blue italian sportscar.   He was sure many people would envy mom in this car.

The third son reminded the other two how mom always liked to read her Bible but her eyesight was failing and it is difficult now.

He had purchased a large parrot and paid someone several thousand dollars to teach that parrot to read.

The parrot is now able to read passages from the Bible and repeat them for mom upon her request.

About two weeks later, they received a joint thank you letter from mom.

​Mom told son 1 the house is nice but just too big.

She told son 2 the car was favored by all her friends but it was just too small for her.

To son 3 she wrote, "You've outdone yourself.  That was the best birthday present ever.  That chicken was delicious!"​​​

:  )


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