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​​Fool me once, same on you;
Fool me twice, shame on me

Indicator of why you want to remember who told you something, whether in a direct conversation, overheard on the news, etc.

Shame on the person who told you something that is not true.  When you remember who told,  you can avoid the second part.

When this person tells you something else and that turns out to not be true, shame on you for repeating, believing, etc. that which you should have known shouldn't be considered truthful or reliable.

Thus, shame on me after the first time.

They  -   People who seem to have a lot to say yet have no identity.

Three types of people:

People who tend to talk about other people - Think small

People who tend to talk about things - Average people who think average and talk average

People who talk about ideas - People who very well may be good to be around, often thinking big and positive

WEI or We I

Children will often talk about what is wanted.   "I want the red toy tractor" or "I want that doll". 

As the person ages and/or matures, most will speak of themselves with "I want the red car" or "I want the that dress"  personally.

If "We" continues into adulthood as if trying to represent that other people want the same thing or think the same way or that I am representing other people, etc.  you just might be wise to implement USA. 

Often, the people who are said to be "we" by this person have no interest or connection.    Thus, this becomes a good time to remember "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."

: )


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