Unlock your hip flexor

DOM Disease - Self explanatory when properly pronounced - Diarrhea Of the Mouth  - someone who talks too much and/or provides TMI

Dunlop Disease - Inflicted upon humans, easy to diagnose by observing the belly is done lopping over the belt.   Someone with Dunlop should know about this

Hyper Bovine Deficiency Syndrome - Suffered by a human who is lacking an adequate intake of cheeseburgers

TMI - Too Much Information  - Example:  Instead of giving directions as "Turn right at the second traffic light and the office is the brown building on the left" a TMI person might say, "Go up here on Main street, it used to be route 41, and turn by that place where there used to be an oak tree.  It's not there anymore because of that bad storm back in 1998, or was that 97?, anyway it's not there now but it's beside that restaurant that has the good apple pies on Mondays and Thursdays, or I think it's now Tuesday and Thursday because Irene doesn't like to cook some days and drive slow on that road and watch your speed and what you have in that truck today? ..."  ​

: )


Things to do   ​   ​​   ​   ​